
Has life put you in a state where you want to give up?

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By Glory
Has life put you in a state where you want to give up
please hang on a bit for there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I am a living testimony. I have been homeless for 2 years and slept in church with little or nothing to eat but thereafter, I slept in first class plane traveling around the globe.
Life is in seasons, a day itself has day and night. That is how life was meant to be. How you feel in the night will determine how pleasant the sun rise will be for you. How you perceive dark moments especially have a lot to do with your life as a whole.
Many people go through life without enjoying the beauty of sunrise, the energy of the day, the richest of rain fall and the peace there is when night falls. Have you ever watched the stars and wonder how far they are, how they struggle through the thick clouds yet shine bright?
In anyone’s life cycle you will face moments of fruitfulness and moments of unfruitfulness. What you hold at mental level will determine how you face each moment; either with gratitude or ingratitude!
I have seen it all that is why I understand better. I have face nights that seem longer than the usual! I have been hopeless and bitter. I have been under the weather…you know those days that you are in bed not sleeping, don’t feel like waking up, l have been there!
I have seen suffering at the extreme…yet I have seen favour….I assure you leaving from ‘Grass to Grace’ is not just a say but it is a reality!
Hang in there, stay hopeful and keep taking a step at a time for time is a revealer of everything.

#MyJourney #MyStory #MyStrength #Stronger #healed

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